Leads represent companies, groups, organizations or other contact containers that are prospective Clients. Leads can contain estimates and contacts. Leads JSON objects are very similar to Clients because a Lead can be converted to a Client.
GET /api/v2/leads
{ "page_count": 7 "page_size": 10 "total_count": 61 "leads": [ { "number": "101" "name": "ACME Corp" "city": "New York" "address": "123 Main St." "zip": "12345" "country": "US" "id": 2123 "invoice_extra_fields": null "website": "http://www.example.com" "address_2": "Suite 101" "description": "A sample API Lead" "state": "NY" }, ... ] }
GET /api/v2/leads?page=2
On a bulk GET
Clientary will return 20 results at once. To paginate through more results, you can use the page
GET /api/v2/leads?sort=name
You can get the most recently created leads by name
, rather than the default sort which is based on date (by newest first). Another possible value is oldest
which allows sorting by oldest Leads first.
GET /api/v2/leads/:id
{ "number": "101" "name"": "ACME Corp" "city": "New York" "address": "123 Main St." "zip": "12345" "country": "US" "id": 2123 "invoice_extra_fields": null "website": "http://www.example.com" "address_2": "Suite 101" "description": "A sample API Lead" "state": "NY" }
POST /api/v2/Lead
{ "lead": { "name": "ACME Corp" } }
Required Fields: name
(HTTP 422 on failure)
Unique Fields: number
(HTTP 422 on failure)
Other Requirements: must meet plan limits (HTTP 426 on failure)
PUT /api/v2/leads/:id
You may provide a partial list of fields to update
{ "lead": { "number": "102" } }
Unique Fields: number
(HTTP 422 on failure)
DELETE /api/v2/leads/:id
Deleting a lead will result in the deletion of all associated Estimates and Contacts. Deletions are permanent and not reversible.